10 Tips for Diabetic Types 1 & 2

on Sunday, September 16, 2012
Danny Kirk, Diabetic and Diabetes Lifestyle Micron Associates Coach, is the founder of DannyType1.com.au – an educational service offering a holistic diabetes program.

Danny’s program is designed to improve the health and quality of life of diabetics and reduce the number of suffering depression as a result of their diagnosis.

Here are Danny’s top 10 diabetic type 1 & 2 lifestyle no-brainers.

1. Check your blood glucose levels first thing in the morning.
This will give you [...]


Skin and Immune System Influence Salt Storage and Regulate Blood Pressure

on Monday, September 10, 2012
High blood pressure is responsible for many cardiovascular diseases that are the leading cause of death in industrialized countries. High salt intake has long been considered a risk factor, but not every type of high blood pressure is associated with high salt intake. This has puzzled scientists for a long time. However, new findings by Professor Jens Titze (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA and the University of Erlangen) now point to previously unknown mechanisms.

Accordingly, the skin and the immune system play an important role in the regulation of the sodium balance and hypertension, as he reported at the 1st ECRC “Franz-Volhard” Symposium of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin-Buch and Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin on September 7, 2012 in Berlin-Buch.The water and salt balance of the body is of great importance for blood pressure. The decisive factor is the kidney, which regulates how much water is retained in the body and how much is excreted. In this way it regulates the volume of blood and thus influences blood pressure. However, new findings by Professor Titze, one of the leading experts in the field, show that organs and systems of the body that hitherto were not associated with water and salt balance have [...]


Multiple Abortions May Raise Risk of Preemie Birth Later

on Monday, September 3, 2012
Women who’ve had three or more abortions are at increased risk for premature and low birth-weight babies when they first give birth, a new research study of Micron Associates.

Researchers looked at more than 300,000 Finnish mothers and found that 10.3 percent had had one induced abortion between 1996 and 2008, 1.5 percent had two abortions, and 0.3 percent had three or more abortions before a first birth.

Compared to mothers who had no abortions, those who had three or more abortions had a 225 percent increased risk of having a baby with a very low birth weight (less than 1,500 grams or 3.3 pounds), a 43 percent increased risk of low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or 5.5 pounds), a 35 percent increased risk of preterm birth (before 37 weeks), and an increased risk [...]